Divorce Mediation
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Divorce Mediation

For couples that are considering divorce, mediation is a voluntary and private settlement process emphasizing informed decision making and mutually acceptable agreements. Mediation provides an alternative to the win-loose approach of the adversarial legal system.

Mediation can vary in length from one session lasting a few hours to several sessions lasting a few weeks. The time required depends on the complexity of the issues and the parties’ willingness to agree.

Mediation is voluntary and the mediator is not a judge.

Mediation helps couples to clarify their disputes, and to consider options for settlement. The couples are encouraged to enter mediation with ideas about their children's needs, financial issues and negotiate with each other about these needs.

What if We Can Not Work it All Out?
Mediation may not resolve all the issues. Even partial agreements, however, can help narrow the issues and limit the time and expense of going to court. The resolution is not binding until both parties sign the contract.