Divorce Mediation
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Family Services
Child/Adolescent Therapy

Individual Cognitive Behavior Therapy is effective with children and adolescents. Cognitive Therapy asserts that changing one's thoughts, believes and attitudes causes a change to more positive feelings and behavior.

Behavior Therapy is especially effective with young children, it provides rewards for positive behaviors and a response cost for negative behaviors.

Parent Counseling is always a part of my treatment of children and adolescents.

Adult Individual and Couples Counseling

Cognitive Behavior Therapy is successful with motivated and goal oriented individuals.

Marital - and Couples Counseling provides opportunity and support in learning better communication and problem-solving skills.

Divorce and Parent Mediation

For couples that are considering divorce, mediation is a voluntary and private settlement process emphasizing informed decision making and mutually acceptable agreements. Mediation provides an alternative to the win-loose approach of the adversarial legal system.

Mediation helps couples to clarify their disputes, and to consider options for settlement. The parents are encouraged to enter mediation with ideas about their children's needs, and to negotiate with each other about these needs.

Therapeutic Visitation

When a child has become estranged from a parent after divorce, therapeutic visitation enables the child and the parent to communicate about their problems and to work on improving their relationship in order for the child to have two parents that are actively involved and supportive in their lives. Continuity of both parent's involvement is essential to reducing the negative effects of divorce on children.